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Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

Home Remedies for Acne Scars Ingredients Tips

Acne scars is something disturbing our appearance, and sometimes it affects our self-confidence on performance. Many of us try various ways to remove acne scars with a variety of ways, such as by buying modern medicines or even use a laser treatment. But there are many people who do not do both those things for fear of side effects or the laser treatment. For those who fear some side effects on the use of modern medicine and also convinced of the benefits of natural ingredients for our health, especially for healing acne scars, here I'll try to give you some tips and solutions by explaining some natural ingredients that can be utilized to reduce or remove acne scars.


1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain a lot of anti-oxidant that can repair damaged skin. Try to cut a few small slices of tomato and place on acne scars for 15 minutes.

2. Lemon
Lemon juice serves to reduce the dark color caused by acne scars, so the scars are less visible. Apply lemon juice with cotton, and for more optimal results try to use this lemon juice for 45 minutes.
olive oil

3. Olive oil
Try to put olive oil on acne scars. According to some opinions, it can soften the scars and even prevent new pimples.


4. Water and fruit
Drink lots of water and try to consume lots of fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. Fruits can make a healthy body, it also could be more refreshing our appearance that our face look more fresh.


5. Honey
Honey has benefits to reduce the acne scars on the face. Honey is also used in some methods for material of beauty masker.

aloe vera

6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has many health benefits, including for home remedies for acne scars. You can apply the aloe vera juice to reduce blemishes and the scars.

 7. Consistency
Most important in doing home remedies for acne scars is to implement them consistently. I believe that even modern medicine would not be able to cure acne scars if not done consistently.

Thus are some info and tips of natural ingredients that can be utilized as an ingredients to make home remedies for acne scars. Hopefully useful.

The Treatment of Acne Scars

There are some problems that might be happen to our skin that makes us disturbing or feeling uncomfortable. It will be the serious problem if it appears on the face. It will make us feel unhappy with our performance especially for women. The skin problems that usually happen is acne. This acne basically infects our skin because of propionibacterium acnes. It is along with the growth of nutrient that is why it appears on the teens’ period. These bacteria attract the white cells which will produce new enzyme that is very dangerous for the follicle, the process is known as the inflammatory process. It will make the irritants on the skin.

This acnes later will provides acne scars.  The scars itself consist of any kinds of scars, such as rolling scars which is low depth, the boxcar scars that usually appears on the cheek’s temple, colloid scars which is consists of the boundary wound and  itch. The different of acne scars from any other scars is because it is the result of skin remodeling which produces a lot of collagens. This kinds of acne is rather difficult to improve that is why it will stays not for short time.

There are some ways that can be done in order to do the acne scars treatment. You can choose laser treatment which will destroy the surface of the skin or you can try the tropical antibiotics as the acne treatments. Tropical antibiotics are the substances that will kill the acne bacterial. It will open the pores. You can apply it for twice a day, but it may not be used for people who have regional enteritis or any colitis.